Thursday, August 8, 2013

How to Find A Godly Spouse By Bethany Stutzman

As i was scrolling my facebook, I saw this post and I was so encouraged and blessed so i thought of sharing this on my own blog.. So there, to all singles out there, INSTEAD OF LOOKING FOR 'THE ONE', WHY NOT BE 'THE ONE'? :) Happy reading!

If you want to find a godly spouse, you have to first know what a godly spouse looks like. And how would you do that? By understanding where godliness comes from. Everything a godly man or woman does is a reflection of God himself. If you know the Father then you will know godliness when you see it. Take time to get to know Him.

My second most important advice is to be in the center of God’s will. If you are unsure whether you are in the center of His will, ask Him and listen to what He has to say. But be prepared because if you are not in his will, He will tell you to give up whatever it is that is keeping you from it. I could write a whole sermon series on this one but, believe me, I’m speaking from experience when I say, “you are so much better off giving up a little to gain a whole lot.” If you are looking for a godly spouse, align yourself with the Lord’s will by fully submitting to Him.
There are different beliefs on whether or not there is one right person for everyone.I don’t know what I

personally believe on this account because I understand both arguments. I had a dear friend recently say to me, “I don’t know whether there is a right person for everyone or not, but for me, I know that there couldn’t be anyone else in the world for me than my husband. I believe that with God there are no errors. When you are in the center of God’s will he will show you the good and perfect plans he has for you.” These are “plans to prosper you and not to harm you” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Last but not least, trust the Holy Spirit. If there is something “just not quite right,” the best thing you can do is let it go until you know more clearly from the Lord. He is so faithful. So much more faithful than us flawed humans give him credit for. All He’s asking is that we stand at his door and knock. And keep knocking, keep asking (Matthew 6:33). If you are trusting the Holy Spirit, you will find contentment with where you are and where you future spouse is as you wait. There is a good and perfect timing for everything. God’s timing. Listen to the Holy Spirit.

Having a husband who reflects the character, acceptance and love of the Father blesses me beyond anything I could ever imagine. He encourages me and fosters a desire in me to be a better, godlier wife every day. He establishes a firm foundation for our marriage by first being in a wonderful relationship with his Maker. Out of that flows everything we need to build a strong, godly marriage. If you align yourself with these guidelines you too will be in the right track to finding a godly spouse who will love you in the best way possible—with a pure and perfect love, just like the Father

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